Learning in Québec

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I'm someone who began learning French when I was 53. I took a BA in French at 60 but wasn't happy with my level of comprehension (though I read very well). So, having really become comfortable with Spanish only by living on the Mexican border, I'm spending more time in Québec and near the border of Quebec, in Vermont, to see if I can do that here with French. I want to encourage others to do the same.

Thursday, 19 July 2012



Tony Weisman, July 2009, in front of a sculpture named La Viurière by
Arnoldin Hébert Purdy, 1995

Yesterday went for the second time to le Musée de la Civilisation and walking back afterwards to catch bus for returning to le quartier St. Roch and la bibliothèque Gabrielle Roy, I find the plaque which names and dates this piece of sculpture. 

I've not been able to find a meaning for La Viurière, but there's a picture with the plaque of an early sailing vessel  with its prow bearing a figure like this.  I'll keep searching for the word in old dictionaries.

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