Learning in Québec

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I'm someone who began learning French when I was 53. I took a BA in French at 60 but wasn't happy with my level of comprehension (though I read very well). So, having really become comfortable with Spanish only by living on the Mexican border, I'm spending more time in Québec and near the border of Quebec, in Vermont, to see if I can do that here with French. I want to encourage others to do the same.

Monday 22 March 2010

An homage to Monique Laforce, poète de Québec

Many of Monique's friends, including several other poets (of course) will gather at 7 pm, March 23, at the Kritzhoff Bistro on rue Cartier. (C'est écrit correct, Kritzhoff? Bon, tout le monde de la rue Cartier le savent.) The poets will read their choices from Monique's many publications, and she herself will read for 10 minutes.

Ah, comme je voudrai être là.

La photo de Monique est de l'été passé, au cabine au Vermont.

Felicitation, mon ami Monique.

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