Learning in Québec

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I'm someone who began learning French when I was 53. I took a BA in French at 60 but wasn't happy with my level of comprehension (though I read very well). So, having really become comfortable with Spanish only by living on the Mexican border, I'm spending more time in Québec and near the border of Quebec, in Vermont, to see if I can do that here with French. I want to encourage others to do the same.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

un poème par une amie, Iolande Jolicoeur

28 mars 2020
foto par Sylvia Manning

jour après jour
avant tout le reste
les cellules
en quête
d’une virée
à l’échappée
le temps aiguillé s’entête
libre de toute entrave
il effleure
sans se compromettre
les contradictions
des hommes de bonne volonté

                                                        Iolande Jolicoeur

day after day
before everything else
of a trip
to the breakaway
the time that has been set is stubborn
free from all hindrance
he touches
without compromising
men of good will


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