Learning in Québec

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I'm someone who began learning French when I was 53. I took a BA in French at 60 but wasn't happy with my level of comprehension (though I read very well). So, having really become comfortable with Spanish only by living on the Mexican border, I'm spending more time in Québec and near the border of Quebec, in Vermont, to see if I can do that here with French. I want to encourage others to do the same.

Saturday 18 September 2021

22 août, un poème d'une amie Québécoise


22 août

la planète s’essouffle
le vide sous le virus
dégonfle, permute
nos âmes amèrement déjouées
le « moi/moi/moi » et les autres
rugit sans crier gare
brime nos pensées, abusées, asséchées
« to be careful ,
not destroy » our goodness
une durée malmenée
nous laisse sans voix ni voie
l’infâme peu à peu
s’est installé
sans regret, sans vergogne
une peur vacillante
abime notre sens de vigilance
aiguise, fustige nos actes
d’être bien-pensant.

Iolande Jolicoeur de Québec

August 22

the planet runs out of steam
empty under the virus
deflates, switches
our bitterly thwarted souls
the "me/me/me" and the others
roars with anger without warning
hammers our thoughts, abused,
 dried up
 be careful, not destroy"  
our  goodness
a long time
down leaves us
without voice or volition
the infamous little by little
installed itself
without regret or shame   
a flickering fear
dims our sense of vigilance
needles, nags our efforts
as thoughtful beings.

translation by Sylvia Manning

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